Prayers to the Seven Sacred Flames
by Aurelia Louise Jones
Cover Art by Dr. Alan Walden, D.C.
Published June 2007
ISBN: 978-0-9796723-0-9
Price: $7.00
This easy to use booklet offers you a choice of over 50 devotional prayers to the Seven Sacred Flames for abundance and healing. With such a booklet, it is easy to create a weekly devotional schedule of invocations to the Flames or Light of God for you own benefit and for the benefit of the planet and humanity. You can use them as often as you wish. The more Light you allow yourself to invoke, the more spiritual acceleration you create within yourself for your personal and planetary transformation! Prayers to assist you in manifesting your “Homecoming” into the arms of Love and your own Divine Essence – 64 pages
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BUNDLE: Hardcover Seven Sacred Flames Package + CD
9 Reviews Write a Review
Prayers used in my Psychotherapy Practice
As a psychotherapist, I know that talk therapy can help someone evolve only so far. However, when I introduce the powerful flame prayers into each session, the level of healing in the body, mind, and soul is profound. These prayers have changed my life, which is why I am constantly introducing them to my clients... with amazing results!
If I had only one book to leave home with....
The Seven Sacred Fames Prayer boo is so complete. You heart will soar with alignment and devotion If I had only one book to leave home with this would be the book. All of your prayers are covered and with time you learn to pray in your own way based on the attumnements to these prayers and decress. Thank you Areila and Adama and the Ascended Masters , our planetary Heirarchy and all those assiting us in fullfilling our life contarcts and path to ascension
Handy and easy to carry
It's handy to have the prayers in a lightweight and compact booklet. It will likely save wear and tear on the book.
Beautiful and powerful prayers
This book has beautiful and powerful prayers for personal healing and for the healing of our beloved planet. My deepest gratitude to Aurelia and Ascended Masters!
I am so happy I found this powerful prayer book!
This prayer book has helped me so much! I felt I needed to be really clear in what I was asking God for so I bought this prayer book & prayed out of it everyday. It with Light Weaving & right actions has helped me Ascend. This prayer book is so lovely & powerful!
In the Hands of God
This is one of the most important books I will ever own! This book leads you directly to inner peace and healing around the world. When holding this book and reading it, you know you are being held in your True light and by the hands of God. What a blessing!!
Experience a Super Clean High
I have fasted for many days at Harbin Hot Springs and memorized the many incredible affirmations in this little book. An incredibly awesome experience where my crown chakra was like a sun and I was so happy and felt so sweetly powerful, a gentle power that nothing could ever subdue. A garment of pure love is what will be created on you when you read and say these invocations over and over. I highly recommend it to any and everyone who desires to experience a Super Clean High, and in turn be able to help others.
Powerfully Healing and Transforming
In just the short time I have been offering up these prayers my Life has transformed and I cannot express my gratitude enough of how powerfully I feel blessed and am transforming into the Divine being I AM. There are no words to express how thankful I AM
Best way to start your day
It is wonderful that the prayers are concentrated in one book. It is a great way to start the day with intention. We lead weekly meditation groups and always start and end with a prayer from The Seven Sacred Flames prayer book.