HARDCOVER The Seven Sacred Flames PACKAGE Beautifully bound. The Seven Sacred Flames with companion booklets, The Ascension Flame of Purification and Immortality and The Prayer booklet. Resource for the Ascended Masters, El Morya, Lord Lanto, Master Kathumi, Paul the Venetian, Lord Hilarion, Serapis Bey, Lord Sananda and Lady Nada, and Saint Germain. Learn about the sacred Temples in Telos, the Lemurian City of Light beneath Mount Shasta, where Adama, high priest of Telos resides. These Temples honor the Sacred Flames and assist in raising our vibrations to the Fifth Dimension frequencies and beyond. Learn about Ascension Ceremonies.
Save $8 when purchasing The Seven Sacred Flames, Prayers to the Seven Sacred Flames and The Ascension Flame of Purification and Immortality by Aurelia Louise Jones
Regularly $58.00
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BUNDLE: Softcover Seven Sacred Flames Package + Meditation CD

The Seven Sacred Flames SOFTCOVER

Prayers to the Seven Sacred Flames
5 Reviews Write a Review
A Must Read!
This book is for anyone and everyone looking to raise the positive vibration of the planet and to assist in their own accession and to help others do the same.
Love this indormation
Even though the material appears to have been channeled when there was a different ascension expectation for the year 2012, it remains incredibly enlightening, well written, and totally uplifting. I’m so grateful to have been exposed to this material.
The new millennium prayer book
I have worked with energy in meditative states for the past 30 + years I use this book daily to TuneIn to supporting The Flame energies of this world
Truly inspiring
Opens up new thought processes and high learning on a spiritual level.
Life Transforming
I am truly grateful to have been told about these books. The teachings and information if applied are life transforming. This has helped me tremendously to connect deeply in my heart. The time and energy is perfect for these teachings. We are the Awakeners. As I embrace and remember my I Am Presence in each moment I also hold a Sacred Space for other to do the same as these teachers have done for me and humanity. Profoundly grateful.