Mount Shasta Light Publishing
Spiritual guidance from Ascended Masters and Telos, the Lemurian City of Light.
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TELOS Volume 3 - Protocols of the Fifth Dimension

The Seven Sacred Flames HARD COVER 2ND EDITION

The Seven Sacred Flames SOFTCOVER

Prayers to the Seven Sacred Flames

The Ascension Flame of Purification and Immortality

La Llama de la Ascension de Purificiacion e Inmortalidad

Las Siete Llamas Sagradas

Oraciones de las Siete Llamas Sagradas

Effects of Recreational Drugs on Spiritual Development

Angelo's Message

Mount Shasta Light (MSL) Publishing is dedicated to publishing the Telos material channeled by Aurelia Louise Jones. The messages within are filled with nuggets of wisdom that support one on their journey back to the source of who they are, finding their own truth and living life as a genuine human being while sharing this beautiful planet with all in Peace, Harmony and Love.
Adama, The High Priest
Adama is the High Priest —the spiritual leader in the sacred Lemurian city of Light called Telos beneath Mount Shasta, CA. He is the head of the Lemurian Council of Light in Telos. Adama is a Blue Ray Ascended Master of universal level, a master of Love and Compassion, assisting humanity and the planet with the ascension project. Adama embodies the “Heart of Lemuria” which is nothing less than the heart of love and compassion and the heart of the Divine Mother, the return of the Christ consciousness on this planet with all its wondrous magnificence.

Our connection is truly one of a kind
Aurelia was an adept and clear channel. Here, you can find some of Aurelia’s channelings which cover a range of topics from how to raise one’s consciousness to the fountain of youth and immortality. You will also find channeled messages from Master El Morya, Master Zohar and more!
We hope you enjoy the wealth of Aurelia’s channeled messages. One benefits greatly from re-reading these channeled messages whenever they are called!